(FILES)General view of the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu in the Peruvian department of Cusco, 23th June 2007. From vanishing Kyoto merchant houses to the tourist-inundated ruins of Machu Picchu, heritage sites around the world are under pressure as never before, according to a New York-based preservation group. The World Monuments Fund on October 6, 2009 released its biannual watch list of global architectural treasures at risk from urban development, tourism, neglect and bad planning. The 2010 list comprises 93 sites in 47 countries, including ancient structures but also 15 that were built in the 20th century and are already deemed endangered classics.
Mountain Coast Scuba - Machu Picchu - part 1 - 20min Slide Show, Inca Trail,Cuzco Peru
Mountain Coast Scuba - Machu Picchu - part 2 - 20min Slide Show, Inca Trail,Cuzco Peru
Machu Picchu, Cuzco to Lima, Peru 01
Mountain Coast Scuba - Machu Picchu - part 2 - 20min Slide Show, Inca Trail,Cuzco Peru
Machu Picchu, Cuzco to Lima, Peru 01